Friday, May 29, 2009

Watch and be utterly amazed

"Look at the nations and watch— and be utterly amazed. For I am going to do something in your days that you would not believe, even if you were told."
Habakkuk 1:5
Wednesday night was one of the coolest nights I have experienced. At church we were able to go into the new youth building and cover the base/foundation of the building with SCRIPTURE! The moment I heard about this opportunity, God put Habakkuk 1:5 in my brain and was not getting rid of it until I wrote it on a steel beam. Over 1 1/2 ago I stepped in the Ebenezer Youth House and saw God at work the moment I walked in! God has a huge plan for those teens. He multiplied them to where we needed a new youth building. The moment I walked into the new youth building I couldn't help but cry joyful tears. God is amazing! God is using people's gifts and talents to build a building that will become a place where things will happen that we can't even believe right now if God told us about them! How amazing is that? People will be saved because of this building, not just the building but the people who are in the building that have faith and are obdient to God. I get chills thinking about what God has instore for CRASH in the comming years! I get excited about what he is going to do this SUMMER!! God is awesome...stand, watch, and be utterly amazed!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Final AI Blog

I took sometime off of blogging because 1. Danny got voted off of American Idol and I couldn't bring myself to type about it 2. I have been extremely busy and out of town (a blog will come soon about my adventures during Memorial Weekend) and 3. I got tired of staring at a computer screen.
Anyway this is my final blog about American Idol Season 8 seeing that the results were read a week ago and the show is over. But let me take you back to 2 weeks ago. The moment I realized Danny Gokey was not going to be the American Idol. Let me set the scene. I was over at the McAlpin's playing with precious Claire and watching the show. Claire fell asleep and went to bed while the show got intense. It was the three guys. They sung their hearts out and bam Kris was safe. I was feeling a little nervous, a part of me was estatic thinking that it would be Kris and Danny in the final 2, the other part of me was depressed because I knew Danny was gone. The moment came, I had chills and then Ryan read the name...Adam Lambert. My phone immediately went off with text messages because it was no secret that I was a huge Danny fan. I wanted to cry but I held it in...but I was in shock! It took me a while to swallow what had happened but needless to say I got over it and watched the Season Finale of Lost which blew my mind!!
Fast Forward to last Wednesday night. With Lost in re-runs I was able to watch the season finale of American Idol live at my apt. It was a jamming finale. David Cook rocked the house with Permant and made me find his cd and listen to it on the way to work the next morning. Danny and Lionel did great!! I did not like it when all the AI sang together! But Carlos Santanna along with Queen ROCKED THE HOUSE!! Then the moment came I just knew Adam was going to win. I was wrong when Ryan annouced Kris as the winner I repeatedly screamed SHUT UP (my neighbors probably thought I was crazy and then mhowle called me and we discussed our shock then when we hung up I continued to yell at the tv telling Kris to go hug his wife. I was happy with the outcome and will be purchasing a Kris Allen and Danny Gokey album when they drop.

All in all AI was great this season...I am not sure if I will be this dedicated to it next season but you never know!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

AI Recap and Predictions

Ok here it goes I watched American Idol live and was blown away by 2 performances and my crush grew stronger after Danny sang You are so beautiful

OK how could you not like this guy he makes my heart melt

Last night was great I think Danny and Kris did a great job especially on their second songs!! I don't like Adam anymore so I will not comment on him because I have nothing nice to say.

The top performance of the night goes to...

Kris Allen-Heartless!! It was so good I loved it!

I am not going to say who I think is leaving because it might pain my heart but I would love to see Adam leave tonight.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Lord Your Will...

Lord Your Will Be Done!!
May I always remember and understand that God's Will is SO much better than my own!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Lovely Thursday

I wasn't able to watch American Idol last night but I heard that Red head got kicked off...I M happy Danny and Kris stayed strong...they should be the final 2.

As I am typing, I am listening to internet radio, where I choose my songs! take a look at it!! IT'S AWESOME!! thanks Amanda for introducing me to pandora now I am addicted!!

Tomorrow starts a big weekend. The office is getting "Bashed" thanks to Mandy entering a radio contest and winning. This means we get calabash chicken from Fatz for lunch!! Then tomorrow night is the rehersal for Jessica and Tory's wedding!! I am so excited to see my good friends, whom I love get married!! Friday will also bring an exciting rehersal dinner along with 2 houseguest by the name of Tommy and Jessie! Then Saturday is the big day! Girggs-Brown Wedding!! I am excited for this great weekend!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

It's Wednesday...which means AI Day

No videos today but here is a quick recap! It was rock night! Adam and Red Head girl that I can't remember her name did very well. It pains me to say that Danny and Kris were not on their A game. But I did like each of their performances and their duet! They are my favorite! Adam and Red captured the coveted favorite performance of the night with the deut of SLOW RIDE, mainly because it remined me of my guitar hero days! I beat easy then quit!

Who is going home tonight?

I want to say Red or Adam but I painfully have to be honest and say that I think Kris might be going home...I know it breaks my heart to say it and I hate to even think it so hopefully I am totally wrong. I did vote for him once!

Danny is not going home because I voted for him 12 time...what can I say I have a little crush!

Be back tomorrow and I hope I get to say that I am completely wrong about Kris!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

A year ago today...

I graduated College! I can't believe that a year has passed! So much has changed in so little time but one thing will never change and the is my Savior!! He is the same today, yesterday, and tomorrow!! Let us rejoice!

Farewell Matt...

After a long and eventful week, I am now able to catch up on my American Idol Blogging! Who saw it Wednesday night?? My fav Danny was in the top 2, but we did have to say goodbye to Matt. It was sad but his time has come to an end! The next couple weeks are going to be exciting! I am voting for my man Danny!

Here is my favorite performance from Matt

Such a good song!