Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Putting my Pintrest Addiction to Good Use

At the end of the summer (I need  to blog about the summer) I was introduced to Pintrest by my two good friend's Leigh and Audrey and now I am addicted! Pintrest is a great site of many ideas and styles. Instead of bookmarking a page you pin it. You can follow people's pins and what not. Check it out, it is great and if you want me to invite you I will be more than happy to.

Anyway one of my favorite sections is the DIY section. I love making things and since I am jobless (I might blog about that too) I needed some ideas for birthday and Christmas presents (Yes, Christmas, I don't have much to do) So I put my addiction to Pintrest into action

First I made wrap around bracelets. Apparently these bracelets are like hundreds of dollars and very popular. I thought they were cute and made a great little present. (the pictures didn't turn out great but you get the idea)

The second project I took on was a leather bow cuff. I absolutely love this cuff, in fact I wore it today and will be keeping this one!  

It is just so cute and so easy to make!

I have more material for other things to make, but didn't get to yet. Hope you have been inspired to check out Pintrest and don't blame me if you get addicted. Oh and I will blog about the summer soon, God did and is still doing amazing things!