Tomorrow I turn 24 so today just for kicks I am going to tell 24 things about me that you may or may not know!
1. I fell in Love with Jesus as a sophomore in high school and continue to be amazed by Him each and every day although sometimes it is hard.
2. I think I have the greatest family in the world. Now you may think your family is great too and you are right you have a great family but when I say family I don't just mean the family I was born into I also mean the family God has surrounded me with. My Florence know who you are.
3. I am a huge basketball fan...I know the ins and outs of basketball. In middle school my dad started getting seasons tickets to the Miami games and not only did I love seeing the college boys but I fell in love with the game of basketball and my dad taught me everything I know.
4. I love to make things out of nothing. Everything can be something. A spaghetti jar....vase, drinking glass, and so much more.
5. I have like 5 best friends! You can never have too many best friends. Best Friends are the best you can call them whenever, talk about anything and they won't judge you when you make some stupid mistakes
6. This is the second year I have not been in Ohio on my birthday...interesting I know.
7. I love Ebenezer Baptist Church!! It is more than a church it is a family! The youth have my heart and I thank God all the time for leading me to EBC
8. My sweet monster of a dog Roma has made living alone such a joy. She loves one is a stranger and she kisses to show her love. Plus she is the best cuddly dog ever!
9. I bleed red for Ohio State and Miami (the real one) but this year my blood has turned Orange for the great Clemson! I went to 2 games this year and loved every minute of it. C-L-E-M-S-O-N!! Not to mention lil sis (krissy) goes there!
10. I have XM Radio and I don't know how I lived without it! COMMERCIAL FREE
11. I think about Pittsburgh and Austrailia on a daily basis. 2 places God led me to serve for 2 summers in college. I would love to go back and see what God is doing.
12. I miss my friends from Ohio. I never get to stay long when I visit so I usually don't get to see anyone but I just want them to know I think about them!
13. If I could go back to any year of my life I would go back to Freshman Year of College! I was so carefree and loved every minute of the year! Dinner in the Cafeteria would take a good 3 hours
14. One year I would never want to relive is Sophomore year of college. It was awful!!! I learned from it and never want to go through it again!
15. I lost 3 Grandparents while I was in college. I miss them very much and hope I make them proud!
16. Francis Marion was the only school I applied to. And I never once questioned why.
17. My favorite toy growing up was Barbie!! Book: Baby Sitters Club Music: Point of Grace Movie: Oliver and Company
18. I passed my driver's test with a 100%...please no comments from the peanut gallery
19. My brother and I are a lot closer than we appear to be. We have so much fun together and I miss him a lot, but I am so proud of him!!! My parents had 2 kids that were complete opposites
20. I have a lot of "heroes" people I look up to....Mom, Dad, Grandma, Ms. Anita, Jessie, Justin, Jessica, Amanda, Tory, David, Diana, Leesa, Deborah, and the list goes on and on!!!
21. If I could go to one concert I would go see The FRAY!! I think they would do awesome!
22. My favorite store is Forever 21! I go there everytime I go home!
23. I love flying. I love airports. I love watching people at airports and I love the stories that come from airports....especially around the holidays
24. I will be 24 tomorrow and I know it won't feel really different but I thank God for the 24 years he has given me and all I have learned in those years. I can't wait to see what he has for me in the next 24 years!
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