In honor of Father's Day, this coming Sunday, my blog is dedicated to my dad! I am and always will be a self proclaimed Daddy's girl! It was started December 16, 1985 around 3:26 p.m. when my dad became a dad for the first time! I am told he held me all night and wouldn't let go. I love my dad! He has always been there for me through the happy and hard times. I talk to him pretty much every day through email and we talk about anything from music, movies, tv shows to church, books, and life in general. Dad is so fun! I can truely say I have the greatest parents in the world. They are so fun and if you know them you are nodding your head in agreement. Dad is such a gentle and sweet man. He will do anything for you and cares deeply about people. He's a hard worker and a very dependable person. He lets you know if you are doing something stupid (like riding a big wheel in your pretty dress) and encourages you when you are doing something great. He has always stood behind me in whatever I have done! He is a great man of faith. He knows his Savior on a personal level and is excited to tell others about him! I am very fortunate to have a dad that loves and cares deeply for me. I wouldn't trade him for the world. On this Father's Day I want to honor my dad, Mark Plunkett! I hate that I can't be there with you but I know you will be jamming to your new toy!
Hello! :)