Sunday, January 15, 2012

I write so I will remember

     I always claim to be horrible at keeping a journal, I mean look at how much I update my blog. Case and point. The past nine months or so I have packed up and moved several different places and through these moves I always find journals from the past. I guess I am better than I thought at keeping a journal. These journals are filled with my life. They chronicle the exciting days of a middle school and high school student, the hurts of losing family members, the move to South Carolina to go to college, the prayers of a home sick college student, the secret details of relationships both real and imaginary, the accomplishments of graduation and getting a big girl job, the wedding days of many of my closest friends, the births of three precious children who have changed my outlook in life, the bible verses that encourage a seeking soul, the friends that have been made and will last a lifetime.  These journals are my life. They may never be read by anyone, but they remind me where I was and where I am.

    There are two journals I would like to share with you today. The first was created a year ago and shared in this post. It is a day-by-day journal. I started January 1, 2011 writing something about the day. Sometime it was simply about the weather where other days I wrote about my friend having a baby. The neat thing about this journal is as I start back at January 1, 2012 I am able to see what I wrote the year before. It is so cool to reminisce about what happened a year ago and see how life has changed.

   The second journal I want to introduce to you is one that began on May 22, 2011. That was the first day of the summer for me. This journal is filled with many sermon notes, prayer requests and praises from a summer working at Student Life. Not only does the journal chronicle my summer but it also chronicles the months after the summer. The months of curiosity, searching and seeking the will of God. It is filled with cards of encouragement, Bible verses, pictures and prayers. This journal only covers about 6 months of my life but is so precious to me. I can't wait to read through it years from now seeing how God worked in my life.

    I write this not to say look at me I journal, but to encourage you to look into journaling. It is something that can help you look at your life and remember.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Pinterest Creations

A couple months ago I proclaimed my love for pinterest in a blog. Over Christmas break I was able to put my love for pinterest in to good use with several projects.

The first project consisted of a frame from the thrift store, dollar store ornaments and ribbon. A very easy project, but also very cute.

I am in love with doilies and canvas so I put them together to make a festive picture!

My best friend is OBSESSED with Owls so her christmas present came in this lovely owl bag with baby owls. Also everything in the bag had owls on it. It was a very Happy Owl-iday!

Love, love, love bracelets! Who knew hex nuts and string could make this beauty?

That is it for now but don't worry, my sewing machine is now reunited with me!