I got a cute basket from the $1 Store
Cut Notecard in half and put the date on all 365 notecards
Then I found old thank you cards and cut the front of them to divide the months
Finally I started Journaling
Each night I write 2011: And whatever happened that day
Sometimes it is a simple verse that I came accross that day, other days I write about an event that happened, like my best friend telling me she is pregnant or getting an email that changed the course of my life and other days I simply put that I was really tired that day and needed an extra cup of coffee.
The neat thing about this journal is that I will have room to put entries from 2012, 2013 and possibly 2014 how cool will it be to look back and see how different or similar each day was a year or two or three ago. I have already gone back and read January's entries and am amazed at what God has done in my life in just 3 months.
So I encourage you, if you like to journal but just don't have the time or committment to journaling try it this way. It is fun, simple and I assure you, you will never have a problem thinking of something to write.